In the United States alone, 2.35 million people are injured in car crashes each year. Crashes are a $230.6 billion dollar cost to the U.S. economy,...
If the Galapagos Islands are not on your bucket list yet, then they should be. This unique and beautiful place is home to amazing creatures and...
Part of running a company is trying to make it profitable at least in the short term. You need to make your business generate money, so...
The new regulations established by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) are drawing closer and brokers are fidgeting. The implementation date of these rules that...
In the world of currency trading, there are many patterns that you can observe when you want to learn about the direction the market is taking....
Have you ever thought about using electronics to decorate your home? Technology is essential in many aspects of our daily lives nowadays. So, if we have...
Garage doors are outdoor elements which are exposed to open air without any protection. The garage doors repairs are tasks that correspond only to owners and...
Hungary and Poland are set to be hit with new cuts in cohesion support after EU commission proposed new radical changes. This came to light after...
The Hungarian economy is ranked as the 55th freest according to 2018 statistics. This economy has undergone a lot of transformation and it has particularly improved...
The Volcker Rule, which has been guiding trading and the financial sector for a long time, is set to be revised according to the news. This...