It’s something that we don’t like to talk about – and understandably so. But if disaster and tragedy strike your family, the sense of shock and...
In life nothing is assured, and it’s never going to be all sunshine and lollipops. You might find that there are times in your life where...
Throughout history, civilizations all over the world have sought to fight disease, postpone death and relieve suffering. After all, as being healthy is by far the...
North Korea will enter negotiation talks with its rhetorical foe, the United States, over its nuclear weapons program and on the so-called “security guarantees” – only...
So many universities are offering to teach online and long distance, and there are many benefits to taking these kind of courses. Where you can learn...
Do you ever travel to another country and things just seem kind of strange? As though things are familiar but also kind of alien to you?...
If you are someone who tends to enjoy travelling as much as you possibly can, you might well be keen on ensuring that you also remain...
Red, amber, green: and Europe is off on its big green venture. Yep, it’s true, Europe is finally on the right track in regards to future-proofing...
This one has long been up for debate, and probably will for years to come. Are we truly safe? Well, the short answer is no, but...
Contrary to global warming deniers, the world is getting warmer and humans are playing a big part. But, just as we exacerbated the problem, we can...