Police of several countries in a joint mission called Operation Rescue, have arrested 184 alleged members out of 670 identified, of an online paedophile ring and rescued...
Tsunami warning in New Zealand Tsunami waves initiated by the earthquake of 8.9 magnitude that hit Japan on Friday, 11th March 2011, has been experienced by almost all...
The quake hit Japanese nuclear plant at Fukushima has been shut down by the Japanese authorities as the risk of nuclear plant for melting down had...
Bahrain Pro democracy protest, Image:Flickr In a recent news by Reuters, Saudi Arabia has sent troops into Bahrain on Monday to help calm down the protests...
(credit: DigitalGlobe) Earthquake of magnitude 8.9 and then a tsunami was itself such a big disaster but story didn’t end there. While relief work and the...
Third explosion at Fukushima: Image by Guardian.co.uk When Japanese authorities couldn’t even recover the damage form the second blast at the nuclear site, A third explosion...
Tosha Thakkar When Australian authorities were assuring India that no more attacks will happen on Indians who are in Australia, a new news came up of an 24...
Devastation in Japan: Image from FlickR, (credit: DigitalGlobe) www.digitalglobe.com Some of the official figures says that 10,000 people have died since the earthquake and tsunami hit the...
Picture of Second nuclear blast in Japan, courtesy AP Photo/NTV/NNN Japan) As soon as Japanese authorities were trying to make situation normal at the site where...
Libya Unrest: Image from flickR As the turmoil in Libya taking a more dangerous shape, today the Libyan government is killing its own people by directing their military...