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The World Reporter international students’ journal is run by students like you, who believe discussing, debating, sharing thoughts and opinion causes healthy functioning of democracy and adds more power to our votes. We want to you to participate. Contribute your opinions or add value to the existing opinions by commenting and discussing. You can also mail your contributions to Want to be the featured contributor? Contact our editors to know the procedures.

What to write?

  • End Poverty and Hunger
  • Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Child and Maternal Health
  • Combat HIV/AIDS
  • Environment
  • Health and Lifestyle
  • Economy and Business
  • Sports
  • Domestic News of your Country that needs International Attention
  • Our classic topics: Foreign Diplomacy, International Politics, Security, and World Peace

Submission Guidelines

  • If you are responding to an article published on our site, please consider posting your response as a comment on the article itself. If you still feel something has to be added you can carry on following our guidelines.
  • Keep article length 500-1000 words.
  • Strong opinions and explanations making readers think, react and debate.
  • We do not accept articles sent for submission simultaneously to several publications, as we prefer not to reproduce material available elsewhere.
  • If your article has been published elsewhere, either on the web or in print, please let us know. Submitting that article means you agree and allow us to publish it on The World Reporter.
  • Please supply us with any links that provide context, explanation or further reading for your piece.

Use our forms to submit your story, if you want to contribute regularly get in touch with our editors and we will work out an easier way. Write to to express your voice. Login to have your author details automatically appear in the article. Anonymous contributions will be attributed to default “Guest Author”. Are you a school student? Participate in our global interschool article writing competition and win exciting prizes. Click here for more info.

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