The world changed exponentially since the pandemic broke out. We changed too. Emotions are running high. We have learnt to take one day at a time...
It seems like lockdown is going to be lifted a little earlier than economists may have predicted. This is great news but it presents a challenge...
In hospitals and other healthcare organisations, it’s vital that patients are able to identify members of staff. It’s also necessary for staff members to be able...
For most people, having to social distance and self-isolate because of a virus like COVID-19 is entirely new. Coronavirus has completely changed everyday life, and while...
This coronavirus pandemic is something unlike the world has ever seen before. There have been other viruses and pandemics, of course, but none with a virus...
When you know and love a healthcare worker during this difficult time, you may be searching for ways that you can show you appreciation for the...
When people travel, they rarely consider the laws of jurisdiction that govern the carriage they are in. Unlike the laws of a country or state, legal...