The world changed exponentially since the pandemic broke out. We changed too. Emotions are running high. We have learnt to take one day at a time...
Lately, the Grand Old Party of India has been suffering from severe political lacerations. It is bleeding profusely but it still refuses to recognize and feel...
Tijuana is one of the largest cities in Mexico. Located in the northern part of the country, its proximity to the US border has make it...
When people travel, they rarely consider the laws of jurisdiction that govern the carriage they are in. Unlike the laws of a country or state, legal...
It’s no secret that sport is a driving force for the culture of America. Both fans and players admire the common values that are shared in...
When most people picture a military armored vehicle, they immediately think of the Main Battle Tank, a key player in battlefields around the world. But the...
Most everyone dreads the idea of nuclear war because of the abject devastation it would inflict on planet Earth. Yet few connect the dots between nuclear...
This is no joke. You need to visit Ecuador now, right this minute, it’s a matter of life and…nah. The truth is, we live in a...
The discovery of Stuxnet, a malware that targeted a nuclear facility, was somewhat revolutionary and groundbreaking. It targeted ICS which monitor and run industrial facilities. Before...
As part of the program to replace its four Walrus-class submarines, the Dutch government is examining offers submitted by four European companies. It will announce by...