The World Reporter Article Writing Competition

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The much awaited platform for raising students’ voice is here #TWRFORSTUDENTS
The World Reporter students’ journal is proud to announce its worldwide project of connecting schools and students on an intellectual platform. In a bid to raise democratic awareness among the future voters, we provide students established platform to share their views and opinion on national and international debates.
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About TWR article writing competition
- Global competition for school going students
- Rolling contest with no deadline
- Winners announced every three months.
- Article submission accepted daily online or via email.
Once the article is submitted our global team of editors at TWR will review it thoroughly. Submissions will undergo screening and the best articles will be published on Students will be notified by email or through their schools as soon as their articles goes live on TWR. Article writing is not just about writing a great article based on facts, unbiased opinion and observation, the more popular is the article on social media (Facebook, Twitter), the more readers are enjoying the brilliant piece*. Students will get a period of one month to promote their articles on social media to get more readers read your views facilitating an intellectual debate. Articles will undergo a second screening judged by eminent personalities. At the end of three months, three winners will be announced.
*Promoting the article on social media could help you beat the competition!
- Your thoughts on any recent political activity in your country.
- Topic of the week: Tackling Global Climate Change.
Important Dates
Next announcement of winners: 31st May (Results Announced)
- Invite us to your school, contact [email protected]
- Become a representative of your school for TWR, contact [email protected]
- Send your submissions, contact [email protected] or upload here
- Download poster for your school notice board
- 1st Prize: $25 (Equivalent in your currency)
- 2nd Prize: $15 (Equivalent in your currency)
- 3rd Prize: $10 (Equivalent in your currency)
All students up to class XII, no lower age limit!! Prices will be sent to schools.