[yt video=k5kHACjrdEY] Are corporations also people? Do they deserve same treatment as the people? Or do they need to be kept under some regulations and checks?...
Women have no face and no voice, being born as a women in Afghanistan is a curse, ordeal, torture and constant struggle for self respect and...
Each story has two sides. Each revolution has two perspectives. Ukraine does not deviate from this rule. From the US/Europe side, Crimea can be seen as...
The sun had just been rising slow as the blue waves splashed into the beach front, the horizon stretch at Negombo was slowly spreading with orange...
[yt video = -rtySUhuokM?rel=0] Understanding Poverty It is time for the world to reconsider who is dependent on welfare. Poverty is not only the lack of income and...
1. Galapagos Island Reason: Tourism is increasing at the rate of 12% per year. Hotels, restaurants, motor vehicles and pollution generated through them is degrading the...
http://cdn.rt.com/files/episode/23/43/e0/00/doc0903_480p.mp4 We know a lot about Neil Armstrong who was the first human being to step on the moon, but how many of us know about...
Ministry of External Affairs March 06, 2014 India has been closely following the recent events in Ukraine, which include the tragic loss of several innocent lives...
Debt is all right when it fulfills your immediate needs and you have enough resources to pay it back without sweat but if it increases beyond...
Every news has two sides, we at The World Reporter always tried to represent both sides of a news event. We all are seeing what is...