Organizing and managing events is considered as one of the promising marketing and communication tool by the companies of all sizes, whether a startup or a...
Перевод: Ксения Пономарева Когда мы говорим о Гоа, мы, конечно же, имеем в виду теплое море, чистый пляж, ясное и солнечное небо, отдыхающих и наслаждающихся своим...
TWR Special on the event of Guru Parv (Guru Nanak jayanti) Ek onkar, sat naam, sat shri akaal. Spirituality lies in these words by Guru Nanak....
The most important characteristic of a nation state is his sovereignty. But what can we do when the leaders of a country go rogue? Can we...
Usually when we talk about Goa we refer to warm sea, pristine beaches, clear and sunny sky and lots of tourists from around the world relaxing...
Tapering is undoubtedly the buzz-word of economic reports right now, with all eyes focused on the US Federal Reserve and the plans of soon-to-be-replaced Chairman Ben...
If we truly want to understand slavery in the modern world we should make a simple exercise of imagination. Before you read this article stop for...
On November 9, amid the tensions between Russia and Ukraine over latter’s refusal to join Moscow led customs union, Ukraine completely stopped gas purchase from Russia,...
1. India is a country We often think of India as a country, that is what we have been learning in the schools. Well, in a...
We cannot label social media networks and say that they are bad or good for our society. There are things in our world which can be...