Flowers kept by Japanese to offer prayers It is the end of Japan’s most difficult year. Last year on the same day of 11th March, Japan...
People elect their leader and the world watches, it happens in US and Russia. When Obama became the President of America, the kind of promises and...
As Spring begins, everything comes back to life. To mark the beginning of a new cycle of life, Romanians have a special tradition, called Martisor. Origin...
Sukhumi, the Government House of Abkhazia, destroyed in the Abkhaz offensive on September 27, 1993.Photo taken by John Written by Ana Maria Ghimis, If after...
The financial crisis of 2008 has affected badly the real estate sectors worldwide. Everybody knows how the spectacular Dubai real estate sector collapsed when global crunch hit Dubai....
Researches from Lomonosov Moscow State University, also one of the top university of Russia is doing a research on India’s official language, Hindi, titled “Indian Etiquettes Research”....
Written by Cristina Avram, The attitude of the ruling circles of Russia towards Central and Eastern European countries continues to be of primary importance. To the...
Long wait has come to an end for the Indian Air Force and combat aircraft lovers. Neither the American way, nor the Russian way, Indian government...
Posted by Cristina Avram, Although geographically distant from Russia, Latin America is one of the main priorities of the Russian government’s foreign policy. Russian authorities have...
Courtesy: In a poll conducted by the Croatians whether to join the European Union or not, Croatians have shown interest in joining the union, despite...