This revolutionary new fitness and training method is proving that with the addition of modern technology you really can get amazing results in improving your fitness...
Painting a miniature may seem as easy as pie at first; however, any veteran will tell you that giving color to a miniature figure can be...
No matter how careful you are on the road, accidents happen. In fact, the statistics say that over the course of a typical driver’s time spent...
Canary Islands. An authentic paradise in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of northeast Africa, that spreads across seven islands and several other islets on a...
Francisco Reynés, executive chairman of Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa), has talked about the role of gas in the world as the energy source with the...
Social media came into our lives a few years ago and they are here to stay: Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp are essential applications for many of...
The search for our identities—where we came from, what we’re made of—is a unifying human experience, and our collective fascination with ourselves as individuals has fueled...
When a person is involved in a personal injury case, such as one related to a car crash, there are two primary categories of damages for...
Ever since the early ages, having the right information at the right moment has meant power, and only those who could work their way to get...
Anyone who’s ever had to plan an entire project knows how chaotic project management can be. Project management tools can streamline the process, and simplify all...