What makes Rupee’s Dollar value oscillate every full moon night or anytime when you look at the Rupee wrong? Is it that the Indian economy fluctuates...
Some places you visit, become a musing for your soul, in a jiffy. Like a secret affair. Like those rose petals you hide away in thick,...
“People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.” -Bill Clinton, August 2008...
As another world AIDS day passes by and the epidemic shows no sign of end, we need to evaluate the status of AIDS in India. Our...
Два года назад, большие озлобленные толпы молодежи вышли на улицы с криками «Россия без Путина». Это было в первый раз, когда люди видели протест со времен...
Development is much needed in a country that has the 3rd of the world’s poorest people. While development is talked about as a buzzword, the models...
While opinions vary on the performance of the first Indian governments in different sectors, higher education is a sector where India’s first steps usually evoke a...
Sikkim and seven sisters of North East India represent seven percent of Indian area and 3.7% of Indian population. These figures hide the immense diversity of...
The US has announced a new list of sanctioned Russian officials and businesspersons today. The new list names some 20 names as published by the US...
Rajmohan, M.K. Ganndhi’s grandson, takes us through lives of eight prominent Muslims of Indian subcontinent as a means of tour de understanding through partition of Hindustan...